We have discovered a new path to an ancient Hawaiian wisdom which has empowered us with a whole new perspective on life. Did you know that empowerment techniques have been medically proven to create measurable volumetric brain changes?
We went searching for just this, and discovered that the ancient stories are true! There is a way to tap into the skills you were born with, a simple way to feel powerful, an inner path to happiness, and easy method to live a better life!
Come with us on this journey and discover for yourself what it means to be empowered from within and to thrive!
Audio 1: Getting started with Mana Gardening
Audio 2: Create and experience your mana garden. Re-listen to Audio 2 daily for guided experience (without all the explanations and info). These audios, as well as written instructions, can be found here.
Mana Sciences®, Science of Imagination offers a review of scientific literature that show that what we imagine is real on a biological level. Evidence that you can create your reality with your potent imagination, through Hawaiian empowerment techniques such as Mana Gardening, is provided.
Mana Psychology® presents, Empowered to Remember, A Guide to Reclaiming Memories This book is based on a case study of a stroke patient who lost most memory and gained it back without medication and while using Mana Psychology® techniques. This book is based on our Mana Psychology® paper (located here on our website), A new […]
Mana Sciences® presents, Empower Me Free Yoga by Keti Kamalani & Dr. Michelle Shine Ancient Hawaiians discovered the secrets of empowerment from within. Ancient yoga gurus unlocked the power of human transformation. Mana Sciences® Yoga blends the two together to physically empower and transform your life. Discover more from every yoga pose and access your […]
Aloha, I grew up on the east coast with hard-working, loving, dedicated parents, a live-in grandma and a little sister, and have been a science geek since I was 7. In 1996, while living amongst the sheer majesty of the mountains in Colorado, I decided I wanted to practice spirituality AND science. I became a scientist on a spiritual path studying and practicing both (seemingly separate) worlds.
While suffering through the ending of a marriage, I took a serious hit in the self esteem department, and turned into a broken-hearted doormat. Mana Gardening thankfully came to me during this time and helped me know exactly what I wanted and gave me the motivation to take the actions necessary toward my life desires. And I learned to access my own inner guidance for the first time ever! With Mana Gardening, I had a way to relax, leverage the active thinking mind and know the real, inner me! I learned ways to love myself when the one I was in love with was no longer in love with me. Mana Gardening gave me a way to feel the presence of a higher power, heightening my faith and spirituality and gave me the tools to become whole, happy and complete again. This was deeply beneficial and profoundly fulfilling! My mana garden feels absolutely sacred to me and it continues to give me strength and love, empowering me to know myself and make choices that are in the highest regard to all others, including myself.