More gifts awaited on my last day in Hawaii. I woke up super early, meditated, and got out of the house for some Soul time. On the way I took some sunrise photos, and told my Soul to guide me where to go. In my mind, I was headed for a couple of different waterfall hikes I thought my Soul would like…
While passing the entrance to the first waterfall trailhead, I felt no impetus to turn that way, so continued on towards the second one.
Then I accidentally went the wrong way, the long way.
Or did I?

Instead of turning around, I just continued going the long way. About a half mile later I knew where my Soul was taking me.
Not to the waterfall, but to the Friendship garden, a super special place for me. I burst into tears upon realizing that my Soul is truly driving, even when I don’t think it is. And I was crying because of the significance of coming full circle yet again in Hawaii. There are so many levels to the healing and releasing I experienced here this summer.

I must have hiked this trail a hundred times when I lived here. This hike was instrumental in me becoming so attuned to the healing nature and connection of trees while I was going through the ending of my marriage, as described in Part I and Part II of this blog.
THIS is the place where the trees first took my pain from me, and they did that for me time and time again.
I got to BE there, with them again and it felt like a blissful reunion. Having released so much, this felt like coming home, coming full circle with healing my past and creating a fresh perspective of love and reverence for the ‘Aina of Hawaii.

For this, and all the immense makana I received from the ‘Aina during this incredible journey, I give great thanks and offer this prayer of appreciation to the ‘Aina of Hawaii:
Dear ‘Aina:
I feel blessed, I feel nurtured, I feel whole, I feel complete. I feel like you helped me release Oh so much and allowed me to receive closure on things I had no idea that I needed closure on.
I came full circle on healing my past and with the pain of resisting one of the greatest gifts of my life. I now truly see it as an immense blessing and gift from Hawaii.
Hawaii you gave me my kids, you gave me freedom, you gave me dear, amazing, supportive souls along the way who are my life-long friends and family, you gave me healing, relationship and ecstasy with trees, you gave me the priceless gift of Mana Gardening, and the mission to share this amazing work with the world!!
For this I bow in appreciation and reverence. My heart acknowledges your gifts, your love, your Aloha, and your support. I am eternally grateful for these gifts, for this trip, for this journey of soul realignment and release of what no longer serves me, and for all the doors that are now open!! The doors to being more of my true self, to opening to a new and powerful relationship, to sharing Mana Gardening widely and doing biomedical research on the techniques, the doors that are swinging wide open to bring me more and more of all things good.
Graciously accept my sincere, heartfelt appreciation and please continue to assist me in aligning with the highest version of myself in ALL that I AM and in ALL that I DO. I am with you and you are with me, always.
Aloha nui loa and Mahalo nui loa Dear Aloha ‘Aina.
May your Love and Light continue to Bless me, and others through me, and indeed all.

Many Blessings and Warm Aloha on your Journey!
To get yourself or a loved one the priceless gift of Mana Gardening, order the book and try it for yourself. Research already shows effectiveness of these techniques (in the Prologue)! Mana Gardening is an easy, fast and fun way to connect to the infinite wisdom that lies within. You’ll feel empowered to live and love. If books aren’t your thing, try a class or set up a series of sessions with me or Keti. We will be doing podcasts shortly and hope to have an audio book out soon as well. Our mission is to serve our fellow souls, so reach out if you are called. We love sharing Mana Gardening with businesses, retreats, at festivals and gatherings, workshops and more.