When You Say the Word Grace or Just Think About Grace,
How Do You Feel?
Perhaps a pleasurable peaceful feeling – a feeling of all is well, a feeling that says its ok to let this go, that everything is going to be ok.
Ahhh. What a feeling!
I recently asked to go deeper with my experience with life, with knowing myself, with being a higher version of myself.
Grace was the word,
the sentiment,
which was shared with me.
What is Grace?
We say this word, but what does it mean?
Without heading for the dictionary, my thoughts are that Grace can pretty much mean anything that:
- Brings you joy
- Gives you a moment of peace
- Gives you strength to face a situation nobly
- Is easy, effortless
- Is fun
The Wikipedia definition of Divine Grace is: the divine influence which operates in humans to regenerate and sanctify, to inspire virtuous impulses, and to impart strength to endure trial and resist temptation; and as an individual virtue or excellence of divine origin.
If we focus on Grace, we are focusing on things that bring joy, strength, ease, and provide peace and satisfaction. These can be situations, moments, people, words, nature, feelings, etc.
Grace is the word to keep in your heart and mind, but it is not the goal. Considering it as a word, and not a goal, allows grace to enter your life freely. If grace is the goal, then it can become like work and not flow so effortlessly.
A Real Life Example
I want to share my experience of a significant moment of total grace.
My beautiful 10 year old daughter blessed me with an act of grace the other day. I had been experiencing sadness and grief in regards to a few people I deeply care about and how we were no longer connecting much. These feelings were wearing on me and my body was sending me signals. Between my shoulder blades there was a painful glitch. I could barely move in certain directions because it felt like a ligament or something was caught. I lay down on the floor on my stomach as the kids were playing with some toys in my bedroom.
My daughter comes over and places some crystals and a miniature Buddha by my head. She sprays me with essential oil spray and starts the meditation music. Then she sits on my tush and starts rubbing my back for me. She even used her elbows to get deep into the spot.
Glorious. Simply glorious!
My body felt tended to.
And I personally felt loved, cherished, nurtured, and special.
It was a moment of pure grace. I had been feeling sad that day, as well as in physical pain and she was there for me in a beautiful moment of grace, of ease, of appreciation, and of love.
Without me saying a word about it, she gifted me with the time, the space, the love that empowered me to feel special and loved, and to let go of what was bothering me for a time… a moment of grace.
Plus, she and her brother had been a handful all morning, so the moment of peace and grace she gave me was doubly welcome!
Energy is Focus
I offer this as a meditation of sorts: At the end of your day, consider what moments of grace you experienced, and what moments of grace you perhaps gave to another.
Energy is focus. When we focus on something, we give energy to it. (That is why it is so beneficial to focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want.) We have been taught to focus on negative things, so it can take practice to focus on positivity.
Focusing on grace will bring more grace to you.
Think about grace
Look for grace
Appreciate grace
Share grace
Ask for grace
Write about grace
Tell your friends about grace
Blog about grace…
Take 15 seconds right now, and do a little Mind Gardening (as we used to call it), or Mana Gardening (as we now call it), and feel yourself enveloped in Grace.
Experience that ease, that flow, that strength, for just a few seconds. Do this as often as you want. It will give you a little reprieve of pure grace that will draw more grace into your life.
Just keeping the word Grace close to your heart (and mind)
can help create a
deeper experience with life!
I hope these words inspire you to create more grace in your life.