The breath…
How powerful is our breath? Infinitely powerful. HOLY in fact.
Imagine 3 flames in your heart: one pink-the Love of God, one blue-the power of God, one yellow/gold-the unity of God and humanity. Now breathe into this triple flame and see and feel it expand. As you do this, consider that you are breathing into the God/Infinite Creator within you. Feel the immense magnitude of this inhale and hold it for a moment.

As you exhale, know and feel that you are exhaling the love, power, unity, magic, blessings, and healing of God out to everything and everyone in your sphere.
You are BLESSED and you are a BLESSING as you consciously breathe your HOLY BREATH.
As you consciously inhale into the flames (fire element) within your heart, you are breathing in electrons from mother earth, the element of air. Those electrons then enter your body and are exchanged with electrons in your body (the earth and water elements). As you exhale, the electrons that were in your body are sent out (as the air element) and dispersed. In the process of diffusion, upon your exhale your electrons are now traveling far and wide, dispersing into the atmosphere around you. As you consciously breathe into your heart and into the flames of God/Infinite Creator within and charge these electrons with that love and focus, you send electrons charged with love and consciousness out to the world on your exhale. Your breath is HOLY! Since electrons exist as both particles and waves and exist everywhere simultaneously, your breath is indeed affecting all of life, and IS LIFE.
In Hawaiian, HA means “breath of life”. Let’s look at the word Aloha. It’s meaning is derived from “alo” which means “to go with, to share or to follow” and “ha,” which is “the breath of life” or figuratively the “essence of the soul.” This word and greeting is an intimate expression among friends, a sharing of spirits. In effect it means that a portion of my spirit will follow after you. How beautiful!
Hawaii means ha – breath of life, wai – fresh water and I – supreme god or original consciousness. Aloha – I greet you with my breath. Mahola – I thank you with my breath.
The Sanskrit word for breath is prana, meaning life force. In yoga, when we talk about breath practices, we call these breath practices pranayama, from prana – breath, yama – control of, meaning the control of the breath or the life force.
Hawaiians knew it! Yogi’s knew it. BREATH IS SACRED!
Breathe consciously every day and feel your power. Feel the immense love within you and give it away. Your breath is a SACRED GIFT TO ALL!

*Hawaiian and yogic descriptions of the breath referenced here.