On the Second Day of the New Year 2016, PEACE was the Vibe of the Day.

As I spent some time reading about the Light and the Dark, and how they both come from the ONE, I learned that the dark exists so the we can experience the extremes in order to come back into balance and remember who we truly are.
I had read these words many years before, but today, they resonated deeply with my being. (When the tears are flowing it means resonance for me.)
I read and cried, read and cried.
It seemed, in those moments of tears, my perspective of the ending of my marriage changed yet a bit more. On a path of resolving the deep pain I experienced, today something even deeper was felt. I felt within my body a thankfulness for the ending of that relationship, one in which I had not felt so strongly before.
And it wasn’t because of the “goodness” or “badness” of that relationship.
It was rather a feeling of profound thankfulness for the TIME I have had to explore my own personal growth when the kids have been with their Dad.
- Thankfulness for the split custody so we both get equal time with our children, for the (almost) peace between us, thankfulness for the much needed solo time and time off from mommy duties.
- Thankfulness for him being a great, on-top-of-it Dad, someone I could be at ease with when my kids are not with me.
- Grateful to be quietly reading, crying and transforming my perspective before my very own eyes.
- Sincerely grateful for the ability to have this space to myself to know myself and grow!

In the Garden
Feeling this, I took a moment in my inner garden and welcomed my former husband. There, in the sacred Mana Gardening space, at a Mexican beach palapa, I expressed my appreciation for him letting me go (even though I fought against it) and for his awareness in knowing how limited my growth was in that marriage.
Then my mind gravitated to other relationships that were not quite at peace.
One by one, I confronted these individuals in my mana garden and created that peace. With one lady, I knew that I trusted her at the heart level, so I brought her into my inner garden version of Hanakapi’ai falls where I expressed that I am choosing peace between us and that it is my intention to let go of the issues that I have felt between us.
She clearly responded to me with, “ I meant no harm.” I felt that to be true, and with this, I DECIDED to let go of the non-peace that I was feeling with her.

I also realized from within that her behavior had triggered some childhood traumas of mine. I asked from within what is needed here. What I did next was what I felt to do from within my inner garden: I envisioned myself hugging my inner child and telling her that it was ok, we can let go of that pain now. I assured her that everything was alright, that we are safe.
She looked up at me, smiled, and I felt her let go of it, as if she sighed a big sigh of relief. I then gave her an even bigger hug, thanking her. This also happened next to my imagined version of beautiful Hanakapi’ai falls on the island of Kauai.

With next gentleman, we were next to the avocado tree within my inner garden. This was a very brief meeting in which I clearly knew we were to speak in person, not solely in my mana garden. I thanked him in advance for his willingness to return to peace with me, whenever that shall occur, and for the opportunity to share my deep feelings with him in person. I felt grateful that he was willing to share that intimacy with me, to fully hear me, and that he was able to handle and contribute to an in-person healing conversation.
Mana gardening can be used to resolve issues within, before addressing people in person, and I use it for this purpose quite often with profound peace being the reward.
The inner mana gardening space allows you to get real with you first, to know yourself, to know what you need, what you want and what is the best path forward. You can then bring people in (or rather, their energies in) and work with them in sacred space to resolve issues and come to Peace from within.
Many times, it is completely cleared using the inner space, yet sometimes you are clearly guided to address this in person. Whole-heartedly trusting your inner guidance and following it using Mana Gardening can bring tremendously positive results that bring you great peace and grace in relationships.
With great reverence for my mana garden I share these words. May my experiences help you along your path.
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