Upcoming Powerful Alignments – Holy week of 2020
Powerful alignments and energy blasts are occurring over the next week+ (12/10/2020 – 12/21/2020 and on).
It’s a good idea to take some time to yourself on these days and notice the energy, feel it and intend to receive as much love and light as possible.
On December 12 there is a 12:12 portal which brings in Divine feminine energies to our planet.
On December 14 there is a total solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius bringing in solar light to prepare us for the big alignment on December 21 (the Solstice).
On December 18 the sun aligns with the Galactic center and we will receive downloads of powerful diamond light codes. According to astrologers, the sun and the great central sun will merge and create white gold sun and the two suns of the new earth.
On December 21 there will be a total realignment of the sun with Earth as the sun completes her birthing process. Also Jupiter and Saturn align and herald in the entrance into the Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius. It will appear as a star of Bethlehem in our sky and perhaps signifies the return of Christ Consciousness on planet Earth. INCREDIBLY EXCITING TIMES! These are the days we have been working so hard on our self healing for! This is the turning point from Human to Divine Human.
Take a breath and take that in….
Things You Can do to Prepare for the Grand Alignments and Energies:
Key point: There seems to be a leap of faith involved in this transformation.
No one knows what this leap of faith will be or how it will show up. For me, if an angel shows up in my bedroom and says, “Let’s go,” I’m going! One way in which I am handling this is by asking my I AM presence, God and my guides to allow this leap of faith to be perfectly obvious to me and make it crystal clear that I’m supposed to leap in that moment. You could do something similar.
The leap, according to several sources is supposed to occur between Dec 21 and the end of 2020.
What a wild ride we are on! This is the turning point even though it may not look like it from looking at the world around us. Stay in your heart, stay in peace and love. Let’s do this and create Heaven on Earth together in the Golden Age.
May your journey of coming home to God be the most incredible experience of your existence!