So here is how my inner garden guidance works:
Me: Should I drive to Atlanta tonight or tomorrow?
Inner garden: Go tonight.
So then I proceeded to pack and ended up getting on the phone and suddenly it’s 9pm. Wondering if it is still a good idea to drive tonight, I tune back in to the inner garden.
Me: Is it in my best interest to drive to Atlanta tonight or just go tomorrow?
Inner garden: GET ON THE ROAD!
Ok, so a few minutes later I found myself in the car, arriving safely in Atlanta a bit after midnight.
In the morning, I contacted someone I’ve been encouraged to meet who lives in Atlanta.
And interestingly, the ONLY time she has to meet with me is today at noon! And what a harmonious meeting of kindred spirits it was!
The inner garden guided me to drive to Atlanta when I did (presumably)so that I would be able to meet this beautiful person with whom I will likely work with and share many future experiences.
If I had not asked the question and had used my “logical” mind to decide, I would have driven the next night and I would have missed this opportunity to meet her. And if I had decided it was too late to drive after 9pm, and just left the next morning, I would have missed it too (because I would have taken my sweet time getting out the house).
Within the inner garden, you have access to a higher level of information than normal and that information can be conveyed to you through your higher self as guidance.
And that guidance can help your heart’s desires and manifestations move quicker into being!
So tune in whenever you can and allow the wisdom of the inner garden into your life.