Decision Making Can be Super Simple if you Use and Rely on Inner Guidance.
How do you normally make decisions? What is your process?

Do you make a list of pros and cons? Do you play out each outcome and see how each might feel? Do you waver back-and-forth not knowing what choice to make? When you have an important decision to make does it keep you up at night? Does it leave you feeling flustered and doubting yourself?
I used to do all of this.
After Mana Gardening came to me (rather, after it came through me), I stopped all that and began to rely solely my inner guidance for making important (and not so important) decisions.
Mana Gardening is an inner technique using your creative imagination that allows you to quickly and easily access the inner voice that lies within. Everyone has an inner voice specifically designed to assist in everything from what food to eat, to where to relocate. Your guidance is personal to you and directs you towards actions that are consistent your best interests.
As an example, recently I was offered an adjunct teaching position at a local college and had to decide whether to take the position. It was for teaching a single class, as opposed to multiple sections of the same class. I was excited for the opportunity to teach at this college as I had applied for full time opportunities there before and was not selected. At this point in time however, my mental mind was saying, “No way!” It was not worth my time, not enough money, and would take way too long to prepare for each class.
I took this decision straight to my inner garden. After relaxing in that space for a bit and asking whether or not to take the position, interestingly, my inner guidance said, “Yes, do it.”
I did it. I agreed to teach the class, reluctantly.
I did this because I have learned to trust my inner voice even when my mind conjures up many good reasons to not listen to it.
Who knew that my consulting jobs would start to dwindle? Who knew that I would love my students so much? Who knew that I would adore the opportunity to inspire the students and let them know how amazing and immensely intricate their bodies (and hence they) are?
My mental mind was not aware that I would enjoy the material so much that it would be inspire me to serve others on the health and well-being path.
My mental mind was not aware that the connections I would make with the students and colleagues at the college would be so beautiful. And that the opportunity to serve others would also serve me. My inner voice knew all of this, yet my mental mind did not have access to that information.
Inner wisdom is available to all, yet many do not know how to access it. Learning how to quickly access inner guidance and getting to that place where you listen, trust it, and take the appropriate actions can serve you to your great delight! It is kind of like listening to your heart or a higher power speak. Sometimes you get information that is not what you’d expect, yet it is inconceivably brilliant!
Plus, using your inner guidance to help you with choices and decisions saves you the time and energy of going back and forth, creating lists, and doubting yourself. Your inner voice knows what you want. Allowing yourself to trust and follow your inner voice helps you stay at peace within, creates strength and leaves you empowered.
If you would like to learn how to use this ancient Hawaiian technique we call Mana Gardening to empower yourself and your life, register for our training course starting Aug 2o17 here.