Get Ready for an Expansive Experience that will get you
Happy About Your Life!
As we await the publication of our first book, Keti and I have begun to share Mana Gardening teachings with folks. Many have excitedly asked,
- How do I get started?
- What is the first step?
- I want to start right away, what can I be doing before the book comes out?
Thank you for the questions! In response to those questions, I have created 2 free audio files (below) that you can tune into anytime.
Audio 1 answers the questions, “What is Mana Gardening?” and “How do I get started?” Audio 1 also provides you with suggestions and examples that prepare you for Audio 2.
Audio 2 guides you to create and experience your mana garden.

What is Mana Gardening?
In a nutshell, Mana Gardening is an easy, fast and fun technique using your imagination that at first cultivates:
- relaxation,
- a sense of wellbeing,
- a feeling of being at peace,
- and a feeling of being nurtured.
Feelings very much needed in our busy lives!
The Benefits
From this place of stillness and wellbeing, which you can access very rapidly, you can then experience a higher wisdom , your own inner guidance, your intuition or whatever you choose to call that creative wisdom that lives inside of you.
You can ask questions in your mana garden and receive the wisdom and clarity you request.
One of the first benefits is immense relaxation no matter what is going on around you. You can go to this safe, nurturing place within your imagination, your mana garden, in a matter of seconds and feel your body relax. This feeling of relaxation and wellbeing can reset your moment, your hour or your entire day!
It can:
- calm you,
- change your perspective,
- and provide a mini recharge.
And you can do it in 30 seconds wherever you are (please not while driving!)
Getting Started
To get started, you will want to consider what type of environments feel good to you and allow you to feel at peace, nurtured, safe and loved.
Some examples:
- sitting next to a waterfall
- being next to a stream or river listening to the water flowing past you
- amongst wildflowers in a meadow with abundant wildlife
- in a quiet library
- on a cozy couch next to a warm fire
- cuddling with your children or special someone
- floating on the water
- fishing, sailing, surfing or boating on beautiful water
- on a mountain top watching the sunset
- relaxing in a hammock in a cool summer breeze in the shade

Once you have an idea of which scene you would like to create for your relaxation, listen to Audio 2 as I gently guide you to experience your very own mind garden.
From there, you can go into your mana garden via your imagination and relax at will any time you want.
Keti and I recommend experiencing the peace of your inner garden several times per day (5-6 is ideal). Again, this takes very little time (30-sec to 2 min tops) and can be done while in an elevator, waiting in line at the store, waiting for coffee, waiting for computer software to load up, while waiting for your kids to get buckled in the car or while they are lolligagging. (Obviously, any time you are waiting you can be mana gardening!)
The Free Audios
The Intro/How to Get Started audio was separated from the experience of Entering your Mana Garden, so once you have the background info, you could just go straight to the guided meditation and not have to re-listen to info you already know.
Listen in as often as you like! They are here for you as a makana (which means gift in Hawaiian).
Audio 1: Intro/How to get Started
Audio 2: Plant your Garden- Guided Meditation
It gives me great joy to share Mana Gardening with you and your feedback is welcome. Your sharing helps others, so please share your experience.
If you would like more, please join the Mana Gardening email list for our newsletter in the subscription box below.
I have a feeling you will immensely enjoy your personal slice of heaven, your mana garden, and I can’t wait for you to receive the immense benefits!
See you in the Garden,