In this incredible time on planet Earth, we have the opportunity and responsibility to co-create the highest timeline we can imagine for all ~ Heaven on Earth!
It is of the highest importance that we focus on that which we desire to experience!
Your imagination is one of the most powerful forces you have access to.
Albert Einstein said,
Your imagination is truly creative and this creative nature has been backed by a plethora of legit scientific studies (for list of citations, see our Research page and the References section of our book, Mana Gardening).
Below is a YouTube playlist of 7 guided meditations (+1 bonus) to focus your attention on the life and world you wish to experience going forward.
Add your focus and attention to that which you want to create by listening to these guided meditations. Day 1- 7 each focuses on a different aspect of Heaven on Earth so you can get specific with the universe as to what you are desiring. As we imagine it and feel into it, we create it.
THANK YOU for ADDING YOUR LIGHT to the co-creation of HEAVEN ON EARTH for ALL!
Details of each meditation:
Day 1: Relationship between Gaia (Earth) and Humans
The focus of Day 1 is the creation of a heavenly relationship between Humans and Gaia. How do we treat Earth’s trees, animals, plants, the air, rivers, oceans, mountains and resources?
Day 2: Relationships between Humans
Co-create New Earthly relationships, the ones between ourselves and others. Imagine the highest timeline for relating to one another one-on-one, in families, tribes, and communities in Heaven on Earth.
Day 3: Divine Human Systems (healthcare, finances, education transportation, etc.)
Envision and co-create how human systems work (or are no longer needed) in the New Earth reality timeline. Sustainable and healthy transportation, communication, education and healthcare are highlighted.
Day 4: Your Personal Relationship with the Divine
Imagine and feel the creation of your own personal relationship with the Divine Creator/Infinite Intelligence/ God/Source. You will feel a potent connection with the Divine and be able to call it forth more deeply from here forth.
Day 5: Personal Growth and Evolution
Day 5 involves imagining how our own personal evolution will flow. We also dive into how we might be of service and help others in their conscious evolution process in the Golden Age.
Day 6: Envisioning Healthy Communities
Day 6 focuses on Communities. How do we interact, how do we make decisions, how do we support one another? Visualize and feel how you want experience community/tribe in the new earth timeline. Yum!
Day 7: Basking in Completion
Day 7 is the day of rest and completion. Bask and feel the fruits of the previous days of creation as you are blessed and appreciated. It is done. Re-imagine your favorite images to give more energy to those creations.

As a decade-long practitioner of Mana Gardening, I can confidently state that the wisdom of the inner garden can vastly improve your life experience.
When faced with a break up with someone I was finally excited about, I had a choice in how to handle it:
- do the old pattern of feeling like a victim,
- be in total resistance to the break up, OR
- find a way to be happy with it and trust what was showing up.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Life does not happen to you, it happens FOR you“?
It’s a great mantra that helps you not get too hung up on what happens and to not be in resistance to what is. It is a way to live life more gracefully in general.
Resistance to what is causes great suffering. And that’s the last thing we need more of… suffering.
Instead let’s choose empowerment.
In this case, I chose to believe that this break up was happening FOR me, and not TO me.
So, that is the first step in having a graceful break up: Trusting that this is happening for a good reason, and if we were meant to be together then we would be, or perhaps it could manifest in the future.
With that mantra in my head, I asked my inner garden, How can I make this a graceful break up and feel good about this?
My inner garden gave me several ideas which I implemented immediately and guess what? Positive feelings are the bulk of my experience with this particular relationship ending. Sure, grief comes up and when it does, I feel the feelings and allow myself to cry or kick the punching bag at the gym (hard).
Someone said that grief is unexpressed love.
This seems perfectly accurate to me, as many times when faced with ending relationships, I cry and feel deep sadness because I can no longer communicate with that person the way I did, can no longer share my life with them, or my love with them. It hurts and there’s no way around it. Feeling it and letting the emotion move is essential.
So between bouts of grief, the following list of actions can help you have a more graceful transition out of a relationship and into your own self-love and grace.
Top 10 ways to make break ups more graceful:
- Write a list of the good qualities of the other.
- Write a list of things you received from your time together (lessons, knowing yourself better, knowing what you want/don’t want, any clarity you received).
- Create a list of what you gave in the relationship (love, support, kindness, TLC, communication, help, etc).
- Use the inner garden to resolve any outstanding conflict. Create the ending you need in your imagination. (Our book explains wonderful techniques for this.)
- Consciously send love and light to you both and intend a win-win outcome.
- Use your inner garden to create the new effective relationship you desire going forward. Create the wonderful friendship, or the effective and civil co-parenting relationship, create the space needed, etc. and feel how good it feels to be in that new relationship together.
- Love yourself in the inner garden. Imagine yourself surrounded in a bubble of pure love, being hugged by loved ones, or in any environment where you feel supported, loved and allowed to be who you truly are without consequences.
- Send a note of appreciation to yourself and the other (or don’t send, but at least write it down).
- When you’re ready to call in your next partner, see yourself with them. Imagine them in the car with you, imagine that they are there cooking breakfast with you and you’re both laughing and happy, imagine feeling loved by them, feeling like you can always be yourself, feeling that you are the best version of you with them. Feel that. Know that it is on its way!
- Address grief as it shows up, feel it and be with it. Cry if that helps. Feel sadness, anger, disappointment, etc. The feelings will slowly fade as you spend time with them. It is important to feel our grief and sadness and it is OK to feel our humanness.
With these tips, the majority of your feelings can be of appreciation, grace, and contentment about the transitioning of this relationship into something new. (You may want to revisit any of the tips above to refresh your vibration.)
You got this! I believe in you!
I am available for private sessions, workshops, retreats to serve you and your clients. Our Level 1 Mana Gardening course starts September 19, 2018. Join us for our retreat in Costa Rica August 2018 for a deep dive in creating the reality you desire.

Tuning inward is incredibly beneficial.
And magical.
And healthy.
And calming.
And nurturing…
From inside you can feel your own energy, you can feel the energy of life, and you can access your own inner wisdom.
Inner wisdom is available to all, yet many do not know how to access it.
From the inner perspective, you can hear your heart speak. It tells you what the best path forward is for you. You ask a question and an answer comes.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Sometimes the answer is not what you’d expect, yet it is something inconceivably brilliant, something you had never considered. Then you KNOW you have accessed it and you are now probably hooked!
I created the following videos when I was in Colorado after receiving the inner guidance from mana gardening to “get my butt to Colorado”.
I followed this guidance from within and received many, many blessings.
In the first video, I even tested the universe in a playful game to see what it would do.
Check it out:
It played in my favor.
You’ve heard the phrase, the universe has your back? Or God has your back? Well, that was fully demonstrated as shown in the above video. The universe opened up its forces to give me what my heart wanted. And I would not have really known what I wanted if I had not tuned in via mana gardening.
The Joy and Excitement
This next video shares the excitement and joy that comes when you follow your guidance (your heart).
The Sheer Gratitude
In this next video, I get a little vulnerable (with tears) in sharing the gratitude and appreciation I have for my inner garden. This space that I access daily, multiple times a day, is helpful, nurturing, all-knowing, and brilliant. For its love and guidance, I give great thanks. And for me, I give thanks that I allowed myself to listen and receive.
When you tune inward via mana gardening you are accessing your heart energy and when you follow this inner guidance, you feel guided and purposeful with a lot of self love. More on self love here. [Michelle write blog on the self love you get from MG and link it here]
We are Called to Share
Keti and I are happily sharing these techniques that have graced our lives in such a potent, brilliant, and easy way.
We are now taking clients and would love to assist you on your path to a better life. If you feel called to our work, join a class here or book a private session.
We also enjoy leading groups of all kinds (including kids!) Please contact us here to book a group session or workshop.
May the Force be with You!
Psst–It already IS–all you have to do is tune in and listen!

@ work:
Throughout my life, I have been required to attend meetings that drone on for hours, and hours. I am sure you know the drill: your boss goes on and on about nothing. The senseless complaints are long, the hot air is choking. The only thing that gets accomplished is a waste of your valuable time. I once sat in a two hour business meeting where our CEO explained a basketball story that went something like this.
The coach said, “Only throw the ball overhead.”
The all star player said, “If I do that I won’t make the shot.”
The coach said, “Do what I say, right or wrong.”
The team lost every game, but they did learn how to do what they were told.
End of story.
What was the point here?
Do what I say, win or lose, right or wrong?
This pretty much sums up my career with this company: we lost a lot of money, but our CEO got a big fat bonus every year.
Sound familiar?

Anytime I wind up in a meeting that serves no purpose, I reflect on that basketball story.
It really could be so different, it really is easier than this.
There is a simple Mana Gardening-inspired method that goes like this:
Send out an email to stating the problem.
Say, “Short meeting- each person has to present a one sentence simple solution.”
“As your boss, I will start the meeting with my solution. We will take only a few minutes to discuss solutions and choose some to try, the meeting will take less than 20 minutes.”
A CEO should be held responsible to condense the problems into one sentence statements and they should be able to present a one sentence solution to every problem.

@ love:
We should use this same simple approach.
Ever been greeted with the phrase “We need to talk”?
This statement makes me want to cry. I know we are about to play the spin our lives upside and ruin everything good about right now game.
Your loved one is unhappy and does not have a clue what is really wrong or what they really even want.
Next time you find yourself in this place, try this:
Instead of talking, think of a one sentence statement of the exact problem plus a one sentence solution.
When you find those two sentences, then ask your loved one to try the solution together.
What a wonderful world it could be…
The mind, body and soul is a garden, our actions and thoughts are like seeds, let us water the mana, and pull out the weeds.