In this incredible time on planet Earth, we have the opportunity and responsibility to co-create the highest timeline we can imagine for all ~ Heaven on Earth!
It is of the highest importance that we focus on that which we desire to experience!
Your imagination is one of the most powerful forces you have access to.
Albert Einstein said,
Your imagination is truly creative and this creative nature has been backed by a plethora of legit scientific studies (for list of citations, see our Research page and the References section of our book, Mana Gardening).
Below is a YouTube playlist of 7 guided meditations (+1 bonus) to focus your attention on the life and world you wish to experience going forward.
Add your focus and attention to that which you want to create by listening to these guided meditations. Day 1- 7 each focuses on a different aspect of Heaven on Earth so you can get specific with the universe as to what you are desiring. As we imagine it and feel into it, we create it.
THANK YOU for ADDING YOUR LIGHT to the co-creation of HEAVEN ON EARTH for ALL!
Details of each meditation:
Day 1: Relationship between Gaia (Earth) and Humans
The focus of Day 1 is the creation of a heavenly relationship between Humans and Gaia. How do we treat Earth’s trees, animals, plants, the air, rivers, oceans, mountains and resources?
Day 2: Relationships between Humans
Co-create New Earthly relationships, the ones between ourselves and others. Imagine the highest timeline for relating to one another one-on-one, in families, tribes, and communities in Heaven on Earth.
Day 3: Divine Human Systems (healthcare, finances, education transportation, etc.)
Envision and co-create how human systems work (or are no longer needed) in the New Earth reality timeline. Sustainable and healthy transportation, communication, education and healthcare are highlighted.
Day 4: Your Personal Relationship with the Divine
Imagine and feel the creation of your own personal relationship with the Divine Creator/Infinite Intelligence/ God/Source. You will feel a potent connection with the Divine and be able to call it forth more deeply from here forth.
Day 5: Personal Growth and Evolution
Day 5 involves imagining how our own personal evolution will flow. We also dive into how we might be of service and help others in their conscious evolution process in the Golden Age.
Day 6: Envisioning Healthy Communities
Day 6 focuses on Communities. How do we interact, how do we make decisions, how do we support one another? Visualize and feel how you want experience community/tribe in the new earth timeline. Yum!
Day 7: Basking in Completion
Day 7 is the day of rest and completion. Bask and feel the fruits of the previous days of creation as you are blessed and appreciated. It is done. Re-imagine your favorite images to give more energy to those creations.

Typically, a New Year’s resolution is a tradition in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior. A commitment is a state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
Generally, people resolve to do something or not do something for the entire year. Many times resolutions fail due to unrealistic goals, not keeping track of progress, or just forgetting. Resolutions comprise a decision that usually lacks a plan of action. For example, one may resolve to go to the gym three times per week for the rest of the year, but only make it to they gym the month of January. Or one may resolve to have more patience this year but don’t feel they are making progress. Resolutions can be very hard to keep, especially without an action plan because it is not always easy to come up with the inspiration, aka the juice, to take the consistent actions that are required to attain the goal all year long. Many times resolutions are simply unachievable.
Commitments are different in that they are focused on being dedicated to something. They usually involve a plan of action and the inspiration to take the consistent action can continually come. Commitments are sometimes seen as obligations, however, having commitments, aka being dedicated, will allow you to reach your goals. An interesting thing about commitment is once you know what you are committed to, you have the freedom to take baby steps towards that commitment. You can commit for a week or commit for one day toward that larger goal. You don’t have to commit for the entire year. You can have mini-commitments.
For example, let’s say you are committed to having a healthy body because that is the future you want for yourself. This week, you feel like you have energy and space in your schedule to go to the gym twice, so you commit to going to the gym two times this week. After you complete your two gym sessions, you celebrate yourself and say, “Wow I did a great job. I honored my commitment to my healthy body and went to the gym twice this week!” You can pat yourself on the back, give yourself a hug or sit in silent appreciation for yourself for a few moments. You just accomplished your goal. One reason it was easily accomplished was because it was achievable due to the short length of the commitment.
The next week, since you are still dedicated to owning a healthy body, make sure to commit again. Consider how many times you can go to the gym next week, commit to it and do it. Just keep committing and keep taking action towards that larger commitment of having a healthy body.
You can also just commit for one day. For example, you can write a list of your commitments for today. Perhaps you are dedicated to being a writer. You might sit in meditation and get an inspiration for a great blog topic and commit to writing and posting a blog today. You honor your commitment through your action and do it! Once you’ve completed writing your blog, you get to celebrate you. Then just commit again next week.
The key to reaching your goals is to keep making commitments. They can be baby-step commitments or mini-commitments, and as long as you are consistent about making commitments, you’ll reach your goals.
Be committed to making new commitments that align with your highest desires and what you are dedicated to and you cannot fail!
What are you committed to this year? And what mini-commitments can you make today or this week, that if completed, would be a step forward for you?
Warm aloha,
Michelle Shine