Inspiring words from a 7 year old boy, “God, please work your magic!”
This was his way of creating a certain outcome, and you know what?
It worked!
He was very focused with his eyes closed, intent on the outcome he desired (for our carton of eggs to not be all broken) while reciting three times, “God, please work your magic.”
When he opened his eyes and we looked inside the carton, only one egg was cracked, but none were broken.
I asked him where he got the idea to do that, he said God gave him the idea. (Love that!!)

We next tried it when we got locked out of the house. I said the words, “God, please work your magic!” three times while visualizing the door opening and poof we magically got into the house!
Try it and see if it works for you and please share your experiences. Maybe someone will be helped. Share this video and blog too! People are having a lot of fun with this wisdom from a 7 year old!