“Just let it go…” People say to those who are experiencing a tough time or situation.
And there’s the phrase that we have all heard, “Let go and let God…”
I actually heard a suffering man shout profanities at someone who said, “Just let it go, man!”
Perhaps this man didn’t know how to let go, or perhaps he had tried to let it go a million times and the incident still haunted him.

But What Does “Letting Go” Really Mean?
How Do You Do It? How Do You Actually LET GO?
When someone pushes your buttons, or a situation presents itself that is not what you had expected or someone’s behavior seriously disappoints you, what are you to do?
The main questions are:
- Do you want to be happy?
- Do you truly want to NOT focus on this person or situation in order to be happy NOW?
Tough ones.
People say, “Of course I want to be happy.”
Maybe you have to give the situation some attention to get to the place where you can let it go. You might need to consider this person or situation until you get a perspective that allows you to let go. Sometimes it takes a bit of time before you can truly let something go.
An Example
Recently, someone totally surprised me with behavior I didn’t expect.
We had an important agreement that had been in place for years (in writing I must add) and I had religiously cooperated with my end of the agreement. I just felt it was the right thing to do.
Because of this, many people, including myself benefited.
Now it was his turn to uphold our agreement and here he was backing out of it. Hmmm.
It really disappointed me.
I fumed a bit and without explaining the situation, I texted a friend for advice on how to handle it when you are seriously disappointed with someone’s ‘out of integrity’ behavior?
The Answer from the Garden
She didn’t get back to me until the morning, so in the meantime, I used mana gardening and relaxed next to a beautiful waterfall. I then asked the wisdom of my garden, “How do I handle this?”
Interestingly, the garden showed me that I needed to focus on my OWN integrity!
- To be PLEASED with MYSELF for upholding the agreement.
- For being integral.
- For following what I believed was right, with my action.
I got a good sense of self. A good sense of who I truly am.
Actually what I received from mind gardening was a healthy dose of SELF-LOVE. I felt love for myself and basked in that feeling for quite some time.
Then, from within my mana garden, I imagined this man’s energy leaving my garden and being absolutely unable to affect me from now on. My inner garden went completely white for a moment and then came back to its brilliant scenic colors.

With that I gave gratitude and went to bed. And I slept well.
My Friend’s Reply
Early the next morning, my friend replied via text.
Her answer on how to handle such a situation: COMPASSION.
What a beautiful answer.
She added:
and right now, this is his best.
If he is acting out of integrity, he must be suffering at some level.
Have empathy.”
Hmmm. Great words.
I let them sink in for a minute.
It All Comes Down to a Decision
With those words, I decided to let it go. The situation, his behavior, the lack of integrity, ALL of IT. I even had to let go of the fact that I felt I had a right to be angry with him.
I decided that the best perspective to take for me to be truly happy and be able to let go of this was one of compassion for him and a celebration of me.
It all came down to a simple decision.
And it was as if it all just left me right then. I felt lighter!
So, How Do You Let Go? Truly. And be happy?
It takes a little trial and error to find what methods work for YOU and definitely some practice. And it takes a perspective shift.
Perspective is everything. It can change everything!
It takes a serious desire to be happy over anything else. It takes a conscious choice to be happy over holding on to the pain, the drama, the disappointment, or being right.
It takes FOCUS! A dedication to focusing on things that make you happy.
It takes a DECISION to let it go.
Mana Gardening is a great way to experience your own happiness, a higher wisdom, a higher perspective, and the truest version of YOU!
Next time you want to let something go and not be bothered by it continuously, begin mana gardening and relax, and when you are ready, ask some questions.
Such as:
- “How do I handle this?”
- “What is the highest thought I can think about this situation?”
- “What perspective would allow me to let go of all this now?”
- “What is truly going on here?”
- “What do I need to know about this?”
You might be shown a new, brighter perspective that helps you let go. One that allows you to be happy with whatever the heck is going on!
You might be shown how amazing YOU ARE!
Your friend may say something the next day in direct relation to the question you asked and you might just KNOW or FEEL that that was the answer you were seeking.
The garden is brilliant!
Brilliant at maintaining your happiness and providing perspectives that are the best for all concerned (especially YOU!)
Your invitation is to become familiar with your mind gardening space, know it well, and allow that space to work with you to help you let go of all the worries, the drama, guilt, situations that don’t please you, the behavior of others.… and more.
When mana gardening, you can see your true self, your truest nature, a version of you that you LOVE!
I hope this information is helpful! As always, keep what resonates with you and discard the rest.
Coaching on this helpful, fun and easy technique, called Mana Gardening is available. Click here to sign up.
Big Love to you,
-Dr. Shine