The SoundCloud audio files below were recorded live in April 2020 with a group of daily meditators/co-creators, so you will hear group introductions, gratitude, comments and questions at the beginning and end of each guided meditation (which you can skip if you’d like). Sweet group magic is here!
There is also a YouTube Playlist with guided meditation only, produced without any audience.
As you listen and participate in these guided meditations, you will be adding your personal intent and heart’s desires to the Heaven on Earth reality that is undergoing its dance into manifestation NOW.
KNOW that your participation is NEEDED and is KEY to the manifestation of a loving, peaceful, sustainable world of beauty and joy for ALL.
Guided by Dr. Michelle Shine of Mind Gardening / Mana Gardening, listen in as often as you wish. THANK YOU for contributing to a harmonious planet for ALL!

Feel the positive vibrations in your body as you create Heaven on Earth in 7 days:
Day 1: Relationship between Gaia (Earth) and Humans
We are taking this incredible opportunity to Envision the New Earth, an Earth in which WE want to live in going forward. As we imagine it and feel into it, we create it. The focus of Day 1 is the creation of a heavenly relationship between Humans and Gaia.
Day 2: Relationships between Humans
Co-create New Earthly relationships, the ones between ourselves and others. Imagine the highest timeline for relating to one another one-on-one, in families, tribes, and communities in Heaven on Earth.
Day 3: Divine Human Systems (healthcare, finances, education transportation, etc.)
Guided meditation to envision and co-create how human systems work (or are no longer needed) in the New Earth reality timeline. Sustainable and healthy transportation, communication, education and healthcare are highlighted.
Day 4: Your Personal Relationship with the Divine
In a meditation guided by Dr. Michelle Shine, envision the New Earth timeline, one of the highest potential for all, and imagine and feel the creation of your own personal relationship with the Divine. You will feel a potent connection with the Divine and be able to call it forth more deeply from here forth.
Day 5: Personal Growth and Evolution
Day 5 of this guided meditation series of Envisioning the New Earth reality involves imagining how our own personal evolution will flow. We also dive into how we might be of service and help others in their conscious evolution process in the Golden Age. Facilitated by Dr. Michelle Shine of Mana Gardening Institute.
Day 6: Envisioning Healthy Communities
Day 6 of Envision the New Earth guided meditation series focuses on Communities. Visualize and feel how you want experience community/tribe in the new earth timeline. Yum!
Day 7: Basking in Completion
Envision the New Earth guided meditation Day 7 is the day of rest and completion. Bask and feel the fruits of the previous days of creation as you are blessed and appreciated. Favorite images from participants are visualized by all to give more energy to those creations.
WE are what we’ve been waiting for. WE are more powerful than we know. And WE are more powerful and creative together!