Upcoming Powerful Alignments – Holy week of 2020
Powerful alignments and energy blasts are occurring over the next week+ (12/10/2020 – 12/21/2020 and on).
It’s a good idea to take some time to yourself on these days and notice the energy, feel it and intend to receive as much love and light as possible.
On December 12 there is a 12:12 portal which brings in Divine feminine energies to our planet.
On December 14 there is a total solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius bringing in solar light to prepare us for the big alignment on December 21 (the Solstice).
On December 18 the sun aligns with the Galactic center and we will receive downloads of powerful diamond light codes. According to astrologers, the sun and the great central sun will merge and create white gold sun and the two suns of the new earth.
On December 21 there will be a total realignment of the sun with Earth as the sun completes her birthing process. Also Jupiter and Saturn align and herald in the entrance into the Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius. It will appear as a star of Bethlehem in our sky and perhaps signifies the return of Christ Consciousness on planet Earth. INCREDIBLY EXCITING TIMES! These are the days we have been working so hard on our self healing for! This is the turning point from Human to Divine Human.
Take a breath and take that in….
Things You Can do to Prepare for the Grand Alignments and Energies:
Key point: There seems to be a leap of faith involved in this transformation.
No one knows what this leap of faith will be or how it will show up. For me, if an angel shows up in my bedroom and says, “Let’s go,” I’m going! One way in which I am handling this is by asking my I AM presence, God and my guides to allow this leap of faith to be perfectly obvious to me and make it crystal clear that I’m supposed to leap in that moment. You could do something similar.
The leap, according to several sources is supposed to occur between Dec 21 and the end of 2020.
What a wild ride we are on! This is the turning point even though it may not look like it from looking at the world around us. Stay in your heart, stay in peace and love. Let’s do this and create Heaven on Earth together in the Golden Age.
May your journey of coming home to God be the most incredible experience of your existence!
In this incredible time on planet Earth, we have the opportunity and responsibility to co-create the highest timeline we can imagine for all ~ Heaven on Earth!
It is of the highest importance that we focus on that which we desire to experience!
Your imagination is one of the most powerful forces you have access to.
Albert Einstein said,
Your imagination is truly creative and this creative nature has been backed by a plethora of legit scientific studies (for list of citations, see our Research page and the References section of our book, Mana Gardening).
Below is a YouTube playlist of 7 guided meditations (+1 bonus) to focus your attention on the life and world you wish to experience going forward.
Add your focus and attention to that which you want to create by listening to these guided meditations. Day 1- 7 each focuses on a different aspect of Heaven on Earth so you can get specific with the universe as to what you are desiring. As we imagine it and feel into it, we create it.
THANK YOU for ADDING YOUR LIGHT to the co-creation of HEAVEN ON EARTH for ALL!
Day 1: Relationship between Gaia (Earth) and Humans
The focus of Day 1 is the creation of a heavenly relationship between Humans and Gaia. How do we treat Earth’s trees, animals, plants, the air, rivers, oceans, mountains and resources?
Day 2: Relationships between Humans
Co-create New Earthly relationships, the ones between ourselves and others. Imagine the highest timeline for relating to one another one-on-one, in families, tribes, and communities in Heaven on Earth.
Day 3: Divine Human Systems (healthcare, finances, education transportation, etc.)
Envision and co-create how human systems work (or are no longer needed) in the New Earth reality timeline. Sustainable and healthy transportation, communication, education and healthcare are highlighted.
Day 4: Your Personal Relationship with the Divine
Imagine and feel the creation of your own personal relationship with the Divine Creator/Infinite Intelligence/ God/Source. You will feel a potent connection with the Divine and be able to call it forth more deeply from here forth.
Day 5: Personal Growth and Evolution
Day 5 involves imagining how our own personal evolution will flow. We also dive into how we might be of service and help others in their conscious evolution process in the Golden Age.
Day 6: Envisioning Healthy Communities
Day 6 focuses on Communities. How do we interact, how do we make decisions, how do we support one another? Visualize and feel how you want experience community/tribe in the new earth timeline. Yum!
Day 7: Basking in Completion
Day 7 is the day of rest and completion. Bask and feel the fruits of the previous days of creation as you are blessed and appreciated. It is done. Re-imagine your favorite images to give more energy to those creations.
The SoundCloud audio files below were recorded live in April 2020 with a group of daily meditators/co-creators, so you will hear group introductions, gratitude, comments and questions at the beginning and end of each guided meditation (which you can skip if you’d like). Sweet group magic is here!
There is also a YouTube Playlist with guided meditation only, produced without any audience.
As you listen and participate in these guided meditations, you will be adding your personal intent and heart’s desires to the Heaven on Earth reality that is undergoing its dance into manifestation NOW.
KNOW that your participation is NEEDED and is KEY to the manifestation of a loving, peaceful, sustainable world of beauty and joy for ALL.
Guided by Dr. Michelle Shine of Mind Gardening / Mana Gardening, listen in as often as you wish. THANK YOU for contributing to a harmonious planet for ALL!
Day 1: Relationship between Gaia (Earth) and Humans
We are taking this incredible opportunity to Envision the New Earth, an Earth in which WE want to live in going forward. As we imagine it and feel into it, we create it. The focus of Day 1 is the creation of a heavenly relationship between Humans and Gaia.
Day 2: Relationships between Humans
Co-create New Earthly relationships, the ones between ourselves and others. Imagine the highest timeline for relating to one another one-on-one, in families, tribes, and communities in Heaven on Earth.
Day 3: Divine Human Systems (healthcare, finances, education transportation, etc.)
Guided meditation to envision and co-create how human systems work (or are no longer needed) in the New Earth reality timeline. Sustainable and healthy transportation, communication, education and healthcare are highlighted.
Day 4: Your Personal Relationship with the Divine
In a meditation guided by Dr. Michelle Shine, envision the New Earth timeline, one of the highest potential for all, and imagine and feel the creation of your own personal relationship with the Divine. You will feel a potent connection with the Divine and be able to call it forth more deeply from here forth.
Day 5: Personal Growth and Evolution
Day 5 of this guided meditation series of Envisioning the New Earth reality involves imagining how our own personal evolution will flow. We also dive into how we might be of service and help others in their conscious evolution process in the Golden Age. Facilitated by Dr. Michelle Shine of Mana Gardening Institute.
Day 6: Envisioning Healthy Communities
Day 6 of Envision the New Earth guided meditation series focuses on Communities. Visualize and feel how you want experience community/tribe in the new earth timeline. Yum!
Day 7: Basking in Completion
Envision the New Earth guided meditation Day 7 is the day of rest and completion. Bask and feel the fruits of the previous days of creation as you are blessed and appreciated. Favorite images from participants are visualized by all to give more energy to those creations.
WE are what we’ve been waiting for. WE are more powerful than we know. And WE are more powerful and creative together!
Me: Should I drive to Atlanta tonight or tomorrow?
Inner garden: Go tonight.
So then I proceeded to pack and ended up getting on the phone and suddenly it’s 9pm. Wondering if it is still a good idea to drive tonight, I tune back in to the inner garden.
Me: Is it in my best interest to drive to Atlanta tonight or just go tomorrow?
Inner garden: GET ON THE ROAD!
Ok, so a few minutes later I found myself in the car, arriving safely in Atlanta a bit after midnight.
In the morning, I contacted someone I’ve been encouraged to meet who lives in Atlanta.
And interestingly, the ONLY time she has to meet with me is today at noon! And what a harmonious meeting of kindred spirits it was!
The inner garden guided me to drive to Atlanta when I did (presumably)so that I would be able to meet this beautiful person with whom I will likely work with and share many future experiences.
If I had not asked the question and had used my “logical” mind to decide, I would have driven the next night and I would have missed this opportunity to meet her. And if I had decided it was too late to drive after 9pm, and just left the next morning, I would have missed it too (because I would have taken my sweet time getting out the house).
Within the inner garden, you have access to a higher level of information than normal and that information can be conveyed to you through your higher self as guidance.
And that guidance can help your heart’s desires and manifestations move quicker into being!
So tune in whenever you can and allow the wisdom of the inner garden into your life.
Tuning inward is incredibly beneficial.
And magical.
And healthy.
And calming.
And nurturing…
From inside you can feel your own energy, you can feel the energy of life, and you can access your own inner wisdom.
Inner wisdom is available to all, yet many do not know how to access it.
From the inner perspective, you can hear your heart speak. It tells you what the best path forward is for you. You ask a question and an answer comes.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Sometimes the answer is not what you’d expect, yet it is something inconceivably brilliant, something you had never considered. Then you KNOW you have accessed it and you are now probably hooked!
I created the following videos when I was in Colorado after receiving the inner guidance from mana gardening to “get my butt to Colorado”.
I followed this guidance from within and received many, many blessings.
In the first video, I even tested the universe in a playful game to see what it would do.
Check it out:
It played in my favor.
You’ve heard the phrase, the universe has your back? Or God has your back? Well, that was fully demonstrated as shown in the above video. The universe opened up its forces to give me what my heart wanted. And I would not have really known what I wanted if I had not tuned in via mana gardening.
This next video shares the excitement and joy that comes when you follow your guidance (your heart).
The Sheer Gratitude
In this next video, I get a little vulnerable (with tears) in sharing the gratitude and appreciation I have for my inner garden. This space that I access daily, multiple times a day, is helpful, nurturing, all-knowing, and brilliant. For its love and guidance, I give great thanks. And for me, I give thanks that I allowed myself to listen and receive.
When you tune inward via mana gardening you are accessing your heart energy and when you follow this inner guidance, you feel guided and purposeful with a lot of self love. More on self love here. [Michelle write blog on the self love you get from MG and link it here]
Keti and I are happily sharing these techniques that have graced our lives in such a potent, brilliant, and easy way.
We are now taking clients and would love to assist you on your path to a better life. If you feel called to our work, join a class here or book a private session.
We also enjoy leading groups of all kinds (including kids!) Please contact us here to book a group session or workshop.
May the Force be with You!
Psst–It already IS–all you have to do is tune in and listen!
This was his way of creating a certain outcome, and you know what?
It worked!
He was very focused with his eyes closed, intent on the outcome he desired (for our carton of eggs to not be all broken) while reciting three times, “God, please work your magic.”
When he opened his eyes and we looked inside the carton, only one egg was cracked, but none were broken.
I asked him where he got the idea to do that, he said God gave him the idea. (Love that!!)
We next tried it when we got locked out of the house. I said the words, “God, please work your magic!” three times while visualizing the door opening and poof we magically got into the house!
Try it and see if it works for you and please share your experiences. Maybe someone will be helped. Share this video and blog too! People are having a lot of fun with this wisdom from a 7 year old!