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18 Mar

Hawaiian Circle of Wellbeing

Michelle Shine / Adult Be Empowered
Hawaiian Circle of Wellbeing, the Circle Power of Pono, Aloha, Ohana, Aina and Mana
Here at Mana Gardening we are following the circle path.


  • We diligently strive for Pono–to do what is right 
  • We live Aloha–a life of love
  • We remember Ohana–we are all from one root
  • We respect the Aina–the earth, sea, and sky that provides for us


In these efforts we gain Mana–forthright power from within, which makes it easy to be in Pono!
* Pono is a Hawaiian word commonly rendered as “righteousness”. For instance, the Hawaii state motto: Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono or “The sovereignty of the land is perpetuated in righteousness”. The word Pono has strong cultural and spiritual connotations of “a state of harmony or balance”.

3 Aug

Following your Inner Guidance = HAPPY!

Michelle Shine / Adult Be Empowered

Tuning inward is incredibly beneficial.IMG_6626

And magical.
And healthy.
And calming.
And nurturing…

From inside you can feel your own energy, you can feel the energy of life, and you can access your own inner wisdom.

Inner wisdom is available to all, yet many do not know how to access it.

From the inner perspective, you can hear your heart speak. It tells you what the best path forward is for you. You ask a question and an answer comes.
Ask and ye shall receive.

Sometimes the answer is not what you’d expect, yet it is something inconceivably brilliant, something you had never considered. Then you KNOW you have accessed it and you are now probably hooked!

I created the following videos when I was in Colorado after receiving the inner guidance from mana gardening to “get my butt to Colorado”.

I followed this guidance from within and received many, many blessings.

In the first video, I even tested the universe in a playful game to see what it would do.

Check it out:


It played in my favor.

You’ve heard the phrase, the universe has your back? Or God has your back? Well, that was fully demonstrated as shown in the above video. The universe opened up its forces to give me what my heart wanted. And I would not have really known what I wanted if I had not tuned in via mana gardening.

The Joy and Excitement

This next video shares the excitement and joy that comes when you follow your guidance (your heart).

The Sheer Gratitude

In this next video, I get a little vulnerable (with tears) in sharing the gratitude and appreciation I have for my inner garden. This space that I access daily, multiple times a day, is helpful, nurturing, all-knowing, and brilliant. For its love and guidance, I give great thanks. And for me, I give thanks that I allowed myself to listen and receive.


When you tune inward via mana gardening you are accessing your heart energy and when you follow this inner guidance, you feel guided and purposeful with a lot of self love. More on self love here. [Michelle write blog on the self love you get from MG and link it here]



We are Called to Share

Keti and I are happily sharing these techniques that have graced our lives in such a potent, brilliant, and easy way.

We are now taking clients and would love to assist you on your path to a better life. If you feel called to our work, join a class here or book a private session.

We also enjoy leading groups of all kinds (including kids!) Please contact us here to book a group session or workshop.


May the Force be with You!

Psst–It already IS–all you have to do is tune in and listen!


