Upcoming Powerful Alignments – Holy week of 2020
Powerful alignments and energy blasts are occurring over the next week+ (12/10/2020 – 12/21/2020 and on).
It’s a good idea to take some time to yourself on these days and notice the energy, feel it and intend to receive as much love and light as possible.
On December 12 there is a 12:12 portal which brings in Divine feminine energies to our planet.
On December 14 there is a total solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius bringing in solar light to prepare us for the big alignment on December 21 (the Solstice).
On December 18 the sun aligns with the Galactic center and we will receive downloads of powerful diamond light codes. According to astrologers, the sun and the great central sun will merge and create white gold sun and the two suns of the new earth.
On December 21 there will be a total realignment of the sun with Earth as the sun completes her birthing process. Also Jupiter and Saturn align and herald in the entrance into the Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius. It will appear as a star of Bethlehem in our sky and perhaps signifies the return of Christ Consciousness on planet Earth. INCREDIBLY EXCITING TIMES! These are the days we have been working so hard on our self healing for! This is the turning point from Human to Divine Human.
Take a breath and take that in….
Things You Can do to Prepare for the Grand Alignments and Energies:
Key point: There seems to be a leap of faith involved in this transformation.
No one knows what this leap of faith will be or how it will show up. For me, if an angel shows up in my bedroom and says, “Let’s go,” I’m going! One way in which I am handling this is by asking my I AM presence, God and my guides to allow this leap of faith to be perfectly obvious to me and make it crystal clear that I’m supposed to leap in that moment. You could do something similar.
The leap, according to several sources is supposed to occur between Dec 21 and the end of 2020.
What a wild ride we are on! This is the turning point even though it may not look like it from looking at the world around us. Stay in your heart, stay in peace and love. Let’s do this and create Heaven on Earth together in the Golden Age.
May your journey of coming home to God be the most incredible experience of your existence!
Ready to let go?
As we heal and move closer and closer to being more of our true nature, things come up that need to be released so that we can move forward unencumbered by that energy. Letting go is like starting fresh. And we do it over and over and over through this process of transformation.
We have the power to consciously release what no longer serves our lives.
Learn a potent method of letting go of what you are ready to release. Release anger, fear, worry, judgment, negative thoughts, etc. using the power of intention, imagination and visualization (Mind Gardening/Mana Gardening techniques).
The 5 minute video below explains the technique.
Here is guided meditation (11 minutes) you can follow along with anytime you feel ready to let go.
Love & Light to you ALL~
In this incredible time on planet Earth, we have the opportunity and responsibility to co-create the highest timeline we can imagine for all ~ Heaven on Earth!
It is of the highest importance that we focus on that which we desire to experience!
Your imagination is one of the most powerful forces you have access to.
Albert Einstein said,
Your imagination is truly creative and this creative nature has been backed by a plethora of legit scientific studies (for list of citations, see our Research page and the References section of our book, Mana Gardening).
Below is a YouTube playlist of 7 guided meditations (+1 bonus) to focus your attention on the life and world you wish to experience going forward.
Add your focus and attention to that which you want to create by listening to these guided meditations. Day 1- 7 each focuses on a different aspect of Heaven on Earth so you can get specific with the universe as to what you are desiring. As we imagine it and feel into it, we create it.
THANK YOU for ADDING YOUR LIGHT to the co-creation of HEAVEN ON EARTH for ALL!
Day 1: Relationship between Gaia (Earth) and Humans
The focus of Day 1 is the creation of a heavenly relationship between Humans and Gaia. How do we treat Earth’s trees, animals, plants, the air, rivers, oceans, mountains and resources?
Day 2: Relationships between Humans
Co-create New Earthly relationships, the ones between ourselves and others. Imagine the highest timeline for relating to one another one-on-one, in families, tribes, and communities in Heaven on Earth.
Day 3: Divine Human Systems (healthcare, finances, education transportation, etc.)
Envision and co-create how human systems work (or are no longer needed) in the New Earth reality timeline. Sustainable and healthy transportation, communication, education and healthcare are highlighted.
Day 4: Your Personal Relationship with the Divine
Imagine and feel the creation of your own personal relationship with the Divine Creator/Infinite Intelligence/ God/Source. You will feel a potent connection with the Divine and be able to call it forth more deeply from here forth.
Day 5: Personal Growth and Evolution
Day 5 involves imagining how our own personal evolution will flow. We also dive into how we might be of service and help others in their conscious evolution process in the Golden Age.
Day 6: Envisioning Healthy Communities
Day 6 focuses on Communities. How do we interact, how do we make decisions, how do we support one another? Visualize and feel how you want experience community/tribe in the new earth timeline. Yum!
Day 7: Basking in Completion
Day 7 is the day of rest and completion. Bask and feel the fruits of the previous days of creation as you are blessed and appreciated. It is done. Re-imagine your favorite images to give more energy to those creations.
The SoundCloud audio files below were recorded live in April 2020 with a group of daily meditators/co-creators, so you will hear group introductions, gratitude, comments and questions at the beginning and end of each guided meditation (which you can skip if you’d like). Sweet group magic is here!
There is also a YouTube Playlist with guided meditation only, produced without any audience.
As you listen and participate in these guided meditations, you will be adding your personal intent and heart’s desires to the Heaven on Earth reality that is undergoing its dance into manifestation NOW.
KNOW that your participation is NEEDED and is KEY to the manifestation of a loving, peaceful, sustainable world of beauty and joy for ALL.
Guided by Dr. Michelle Shine of Mind Gardening / Mana Gardening, listen in as often as you wish. THANK YOU for contributing to a harmonious planet for ALL!
Day 1: Relationship between Gaia (Earth) and Humans
We are taking this incredible opportunity to Envision the New Earth, an Earth in which WE want to live in going forward. As we imagine it and feel into it, we create it. The focus of Day 1 is the creation of a heavenly relationship between Humans and Gaia.
Day 2: Relationships between Humans
Co-create New Earthly relationships, the ones between ourselves and others. Imagine the highest timeline for relating to one another one-on-one, in families, tribes, and communities in Heaven on Earth.
Day 3: Divine Human Systems (healthcare, finances, education transportation, etc.)
Guided meditation to envision and co-create how human systems work (or are no longer needed) in the New Earth reality timeline. Sustainable and healthy transportation, communication, education and healthcare are highlighted.
Day 4: Your Personal Relationship with the Divine
In a meditation guided by Dr. Michelle Shine, envision the New Earth timeline, one of the highest potential for all, and imagine and feel the creation of your own personal relationship with the Divine. You will feel a potent connection with the Divine and be able to call it forth more deeply from here forth.
Day 5: Personal Growth and Evolution
Day 5 of this guided meditation series of Envisioning the New Earth reality involves imagining how our own personal evolution will flow. We also dive into how we might be of service and help others in their conscious evolution process in the Golden Age. Facilitated by Dr. Michelle Shine of Mana Gardening Institute.
Day 6: Envisioning Healthy Communities
Day 6 of Envision the New Earth guided meditation series focuses on Communities. Visualize and feel how you want experience community/tribe in the new earth timeline. Yum!
Day 7: Basking in Completion
Envision the New Earth guided meditation Day 7 is the day of rest and completion. Bask and feel the fruits of the previous days of creation as you are blessed and appreciated. Favorite images from participants are visualized by all to give more energy to those creations.
WE are what we’ve been waiting for. WE are more powerful than we know. And WE are more powerful and creative together!
Mana Gardening (aka Mind Gardening) was made for these CRAZY Corona virus/Covid 19/quarantine times.
Your imagination is more powerful than you know! With your imagination you can create ease, peace, wellbeing and so much more!
You’re invited to imagine Heaven on Earth via a 7 day guided meditation series with Dr. Michelle Shine. You will explore the vibrations of peace, support, and harmony, and use your powerful imagination to visualize and feel the New Earth into being. POWERFUL and CREATIVE!
Access the recordings below:
Guided Meditations
By imagining it, we create it. As we envision a New Earth reality of health, prosperity, win-win relationships between humans and all life on Earth, healthy communities, and more, we put energy and focus in that direction. And where 3 or more are gathered, the energies are magnified!
We can imagine what we want, and feel it, and by doing so create new neural pathways in our brains. These new neural pathways serve as “memories” that if re-imagined, grow wider and can serve as magnetically attractive forces that bring that exact reality to you.
Michelle and Keti described how imagining what they wanted, brought it to them with ease and grace in their Mana Gardening book. And let it be stated that many of us have similar visions of Heaven on Earth.
Multiple lines of evidence basically prove that we are the creators of our own lives (see our book Science of Imagination and Mana Gardening book, both with many references to the scientific research). Both Keti and Michelle (authors of the Mana Gardening series of books, available here) utilized these techniques in creating phenomenal relationships, peace, and true happiness in their lives. So let’s create Heaven on Earth together using these tools.
For 7 days starting April 1, 2020, Dr. Michelle Shine hosted a Zoom video conference that was recorded. Each meditation lasted approximately 20-25 min with a 10 min sharing time for total of 30-40 min.
Listen to the recordings below:
Guided Meditations
As you listen you will:
Receive Mind/Mana Gardening tools to help you feel the presence of a New Earth, one in which WE want to live in. Create your own personal Heaven on Earth with your imagination.
Each day, explore a different realm of life, envision it and feel it into being. Dr. Shine guides each meditation with targeted questions so that you get specific in what you want from different areas of life going forward on New Earth. Leave the meditations feeling uplifted, peaceful and confident that you contributed the creation of a harmonious planet.
You will be guided into your own personal peaceful space to reduce stress and activate the flow of wellbeing which is so needed during the Coronavirus/COVID-19 quarantine time we are currently living in. You will be guided to imagine and consider questions such as:
Feel the positive vibrations in your body as you create Heaven on Earth in 7 days:
Day 1: Relationship between Gaia (Earth) and Humans
Day 2: Relationships between Humans
Day 3: Human Systems (healthcare, finances, education transportation, etc.)
Day 4: Your Personal Relationship with the Divine
Day 5: Personal Growth and Evolution
Day 6: Envisioning Healthy Communities
Day 7: Basking in Completion
The event was conducted via Eventbrite. Meditations are currently free of charge. Donations accepted via Venmo @Michelle-Shine-2.
THANK YOU for participating and please share widely so we can actively create our new Heaven on Earth, a planet of ONE LOVE.
It was a tough first couple of weeks for me in Hawaii (read Part I of this blog here). As I saw our old house, the restaurants, the trails and the beaches, I cried lots of tears in remembrance of the deep pain experienced when my marriage ended and our family dynamics shifted 6 years ago.
I had not been excited for this trip to Hawaii. In actuality, I love Hawaii, yet the fact that I experienced the deepest pain of my life there, created a sense of sadness for me when I thought of the beautiful place. Hence I had not returned since divorcing. It had been 6 years since I stepped foot on this island.
As I felt all those emotions coming back up the first weeks in Hawaii, I sensed I was releasing yet another level of pain.
Healing appears to me to be a spiral and as we move along, some things come circling back with a slightly different twist as they come around again and again to complete the cycle of healing.
Interestingly, as described in part I of this blog, that phase completed and I felt a sense of healing, momentum and joy! That was a tremendous makana (gift in Hawaiian).
Hawaii had more gifts for me as they continued to be revealed.
My kids came to Hawaii. I met them the day they arrived with their dad and we all went to Kalama beach park where we used to play when we all lived here. We all immediately ran for and played in the ocean together. It was a beautiful little family reunion of happiness.
Feeling immensely grateful for having the time and space before they arrived to release that pain, I felt positive and joyous in the family fun and excitement of that evening.
Then my kids and I got to spend an entire week together in paradise.
We went to Kawela Bay, the place where we spent my daughter’s first week of life. We rented a house right after she was born with family as we all shared in taking care of her and taking care of me. It was an absolutely gorgeous, nurturing environment to be a new mom.
What’s funny is I didn’t even realize that’s where we were going that day. We decided to try a new trail and it led straight to Kawela Bay. I was completely amazed upon arriving thinking, Oh my gosh, this is where my daughter spent her first week of life and here she is 13 years later walking this beach as a beautiful young woman.
Hardly anyone was around and it was a beautiful day on that beach. We swam, ran, played, had contests, checked out the crabs… what a gift.
We visited friends we had not seen in a very long time and reconnected (more gifts).
I realized I had phenomenal friends, amazing people who loved me deeply and supported me during the divorce. And still do. I realized the gifts of friendships that were still there! Still resounding, still solid. I am supported and loved by so many. I pray I never again feel alone because I can at once remember my loving supportive network of beautiful souls in Hawaii and elsewhere.
One day while hiking I stopped and climbed into a Banyan tree and started Mana Gardening and meditating. I received a message, another amazing gift from Hawaii as I heard these words: Remember, this is where it all began.
I knew exactly what that meant. You see, while going through divorce, I hiked a lot because nature nurtured me and allowed me to feel more ease in my world.
Trees specifically were immensely powerful for me during that time. I meditated next to trees or while sitting on trees. I almost always felt some kind of energetic transmission, as if the trees were taking something from me. I remember those days thinking, What on Earth would they be taking from me? My inner garden revealed that the trees were taking away my pain.
What a gift.
They loved me and took my pain away. I always, without fail, left the forest feeling lighter and more capable of handling the situation at hand.
While sitting in the Banyan tree, I was reminded that this relationship (if you will), with trees started in Hawaii. I felt graced as I remembered this wholeheartedly as true. The ‘Aina had spoken to me once again. I felt how loved I am by the ‘Aina. Another immense gift.
Gifts also included the amazing situation that my dear friend Keti set up for me. Her family and friends were welcoming and happy to have me around. They made me feel like part of the Ohana and like an important part of their world. Keti let me drive her car around for over a month while she got a ride to work with her dear friend who lived up the street. She, time and time again, made accommodations to make it easy for me to be there.
Also a friend from Asheville joined me in Hawaii for about 9 days. This is when I actually took time off from the work I felt like I should do and allowed myself to be on vacation. He and I adventured daily on big hikes, little hikes, snorkeling in calm water, snorkeling in turbulent water (we could have totally gotten eaten by the ocean that day! Happy to be alive! Yet another gift that we are both still here!), jumping off waterfalls, jumping off the giant rock into Waimea bay, checking out the vast differences in flora and fauna from what we see back home, meditating in nature, eating amazing Hawaiian and Asian food, dancing, watching sunsets over the Waianae coast and on the North Shore, surfing and playing in the waves, and checking out the Buddhist temples. We got along great and explored so much together totally as friends. I am forever grateful for his presence with that week because otherwise I would have felt like I should be working and would not have allowed myself to have so many beautiful explorations and connections with the ‘Aina, the spirit of the land of Hawaii.
I was truly amazed at all the Aloha this land was freely giving to me. I am so happy that I was aware enough to notice it and give my appreciation back!
Many Blessings and Warm Aloha on your Journey!
…To be continued in Part III– The Final Gift from Soul, where I share my prayer to the ‘Aina of Hawaii for its innumerable makana (gifts in Hawaiian).
Ps. I am incredibly blessed to have been given this gift of Mana Gardening. Get the book and try it for yourself. It is an easy, fast and fun way to connect to the infinite wisdom that lies within. You’ll feel yourself as empowered to live and love. If books aren’t your thing, try a class or set up a series of sessions with me or Keti. We will be doing podcasts shortly and hope to have an audio book out soon as well. Our mission is to serve our fellow souls, so reach out if you are called.
More gifts awaited on my last day in Hawaii. I woke up super early, meditated, and got out of the house for some Soul time. On the way I took some sunrise photos, and told my Soul to guide me where to go. In my mind, I was headed for a couple of different waterfall hikes I thought my Soul would like…
While passing the entrance to the first waterfall trailhead, I felt no impetus to turn that way, so continued on towards the second one.
Then I accidentally went the wrong way, the long way.
Or did I?
Instead of turning around, I just continued going the long way. About a half mile later I knew where my Soul was taking me.
Not to the waterfall, but to the Friendship garden, a super special place for me. I burst into tears upon realizing that my Soul is truly driving, even when I don’t think it is. And I was crying because of the significance of coming full circle yet again in Hawaii. There are so many levels to the healing and releasing I experienced here this summer.
I must have hiked this trail a hundred times when I lived here. This hike was instrumental in me becoming so attuned to the healing nature and connection of trees while I was going through the ending of my marriage, as described in Part I and Part II of this blog.
THIS is the place where the trees first took my pain from me, and they did that for me time and time again.
I got to BE there, with them again and it felt like a blissful reunion. Having released so much, this felt like coming home, coming full circle with healing my past and creating a fresh perspective of love and reverence for the ‘Aina of Hawaii.
For this, and all the immense makana I received from the ‘Aina during this incredible journey, I give great thanks and offer this prayer of appreciation to the ‘Aina of Hawaii:
Dear ‘Aina:
I feel blessed, I feel nurtured, I feel whole, I feel complete. I feel like you helped me release Oh so much and allowed me to receive closure on things I had no idea that I needed closure on.
I came full circle on healing my past and with the pain of resisting one of the greatest gifts of my life. I now truly see it as an immense blessing and gift from Hawaii.
Hawaii you gave me my kids, you gave me freedom, you gave me dear, amazing, supportive souls along the way who are my life-long friends and family, you gave me healing, relationship and ecstasy with trees, you gave me the priceless gift of Mana Gardening, and the mission to share this amazing work with the world!!
For this I bow in appreciation and reverence. My heart acknowledges your gifts, your love, your Aloha, and your support. I am eternally grateful for these gifts, for this trip, for this journey of soul realignment and release of what no longer serves me, and for all the doors that are now open!! The doors to being more of my true self, to opening to a new and powerful relationship, to sharing Mana Gardening widely and doing biomedical research on the techniques, the doors that are swinging wide open to bring me more and more of all things good.
Graciously accept my sincere, heartfelt appreciation and please continue to assist me in aligning with the highest version of myself in ALL that I AM and in ALL that I DO. I am with you and you are with me, always.
Aloha nui loa and Mahalo nui loa Dear Aloha ‘Aina.
May your Love and Light continue to Bless me, and others through me, and indeed all.
Many Blessings and Warm Aloha on your Journey!
To get yourself or a loved one the priceless gift of Mana Gardening, order the book and try it for yourself. Research already shows effectiveness of these techniques (in the Prologue)! Mana Gardening is an easy, fast and fun way to connect to the infinite wisdom that lies within. You’ll feel empowered to live and love. If books aren’t your thing, try a class or set up a series of sessions with me or Keti. We will be doing podcasts shortly and hope to have an audio book out soon as well. Our mission is to serve our fellow souls, so reach out if you are called. We love sharing Mana Gardening with businesses, retreats, at festivals and gatherings, workshops and more.
What does transformation really look like?
How do you know if you are moving in the right direction?
How can you integrate or accelerate your own transformation?
Transformation is what we came here to do. To transform from the flawed human template into a divine template. We came here to be the change we wish to see in the world, to create the golden age for ourselves and indeed all, and live out our dreams, and be fulfilled.
Perhaps you are just getting started, or perhaps you’ve been at this thing called transformation for a long time. Either way, certain things may start to happen that if you notice them, and ground them into your experience, can help you shift even faster.
First, acknowledge your hard work. Transformation is no easy task. It requires daily commitment to living in a way that feels right to you, right to a higher version of you. You know what I mean. It means not reacting to the triggers of life in the same way, maybe taking a breather, and allowing the triggers to be there without responding.
It means dissociating from the urges to react, dissociating from the mind’s tricks and illusions; it means standing day in and day out in solidarity for yourself, for your true self. It is truly a becoming. It takes constant effort and steadfastness.
It takes learning new tools and tricks and putting them into use to see true benefits. I acknowledge this hard work you have been doing. Please take a moment to give yourself this acknowledgement as well. This is very important.
Sometime during this process of transformation you have a realization, a spiritual moment, an awareness or an ah-ha moment. These occur occasionally and spontaneously, perhaps in meditation. You have this amazing moment that you feel very deeply and profoundly. Eventually it turns into a memory. Then of course, the memory fades and you are left wondering when or if another moment like this will ever happen again.
Here is a way to integrate your new awareness. When you have these experiences, take note. Make an effort to re-remember these moments so they can stay with you. Make a list of these moments, these awarenesses, when they happen, and review this list often and re-create the experience in your inner garden.
Neuropathways will be developed and sustained such that these awarenesses become part of who you are, and will provide a strength that you can tap into at any time. These realizations and ah-ha moments will no longer be a fleeting thought of the mind. Exciting Mana Sciences™ research validates the formation of new neuropathways in the mind when we re-remember.
Another thing you may notice about the transformation process is a feeling of neutrality. You begin to notice that triggers that used to affect you do not affect you, that you have a sense of peace amongst absolute craziness. You have no resistance to what is. How beautiful!
There is no reason to fear neutrality. Some believe that in being neutral, one loses the ability to feel. It is much to the contrary. This neutrality, where outside circumstances do not trigger you, conjures up an excitement: 1) because you are NOT triggered by outside circumstances (which feels great!), and 2) because you feel peace and strength from deep within.
You feel solid and strong in neutrality, and also very capable of taking action. There is nothing blocking you from attaining your dreams and standing for what you believe in. When you experience neutrality, talk about it with others, so, like the awarenesses, neutrality can be grounded into your experience. Alternatively, you could write, blog, make yourself a video or voice recording that you may refer to often.
Both awareness and neutrality, if grounded into your experience by remembering them, imagining them, talking about them, writing, etc, will allow them to become part of who you are and will allow forward momentum. This important step re-activates awareness and neutrality and will allow you to maintain higher frequencies which will accelerate transformation.
You are moving in the right direction and transforming every single day. Keep at it! Keep noticing when you have these ah-ha moments, awarenesses, realizations and new states of being. Remember them repeatedly. And give thanks for them. Mana garden them; see and feel them again and again. Allow your imagination to assist you.
You are doing it!
Michelle Shine, PhD