The SoundCloud audio files below were recorded live in April 2020 with a group of daily meditators/co-creators, so you will hear group introductions, gratitude, comments and questions at the beginning and end of each guided meditation (which you can skip if you’d like). Sweet group magic is here!
There is also a YouTube Playlist with guided meditation only, produced without any audience.
As you listen and participate in these guided meditations, you will be adding your personal intent and heart’s desires to the Heaven on Earth reality that is undergoing its dance into manifestation NOW.
KNOW that your participation is NEEDED and is KEY to the manifestation of a loving, peaceful, sustainable world of beauty and joy for ALL.
Guided by Dr. Michelle Shine of Mind Gardening / Mana Gardening, listen in as often as you wish. THANK YOU for contributing to a harmonious planet for ALL!
Day 1: Relationship between Gaia (Earth) and Humans
We are taking this incredible opportunity to Envision the New Earth, an Earth in which WE want to live in going forward. As we imagine it and feel into it, we create it. The focus of Day 1 is the creation of a heavenly relationship between Humans and Gaia.
Day 2: Relationships between Humans
Co-create New Earthly relationships, the ones between ourselves and others. Imagine the highest timeline for relating to one another one-on-one, in families, tribes, and communities in Heaven on Earth.
Day 3: Divine Human Systems (healthcare, finances, education transportation, etc.)
Guided meditation to envision and co-create how human systems work (or are no longer needed) in the New Earth reality timeline. Sustainable and healthy transportation, communication, education and healthcare are highlighted.
Day 4: Your Personal Relationship with the Divine
In a meditation guided by Dr. Michelle Shine, envision the New Earth timeline, one of the highest potential for all, and imagine and feel the creation of your own personal relationship with the Divine. You will feel a potent connection with the Divine and be able to call it forth more deeply from here forth.
Day 5: Personal Growth and Evolution
Day 5 of this guided meditation series of Envisioning the New Earth reality involves imagining how our own personal evolution will flow. We also dive into how we might be of service and help others in their conscious evolution process in the Golden Age. Facilitated by Dr. Michelle Shine of Mana Gardening Institute.
Day 6: Envisioning Healthy Communities
Day 6 of Envision the New Earth guided meditation series focuses on Communities. Visualize and feel how you want experience community/tribe in the new earth timeline. Yum!
Day 7: Basking in Completion
Envision the New Earth guided meditation Day 7 is the day of rest and completion. Bask and feel the fruits of the previous days of creation as you are blessed and appreciated. Favorite images from participants are visualized by all to give more energy to those creations.
WE are what we’ve been waiting for. WE are more powerful than we know. And WE are more powerful and creative together!
My grandmother, a.k.a. Nanny, shared with me today that she used a mana gardening technique of replacing memories. She didn’t put it like that of course, but as she told the story, I realized that’s exactly what she did.
Nanny lives in a place with many other elders. The elders get together and share their stories of the past quite frequently. Instead of telling her story of her traumatic upbringing along with divorces and illnesses etc., she shared that she had a very loving, caring mother and father and had a very fun and loving childhood. She also shared that she had a wonderful husband who died young and they had a loving daughter who was very well cared for and nurtured.
In mana gardening, there’s a technique where you replace a non-empowering story with an empowering story—one that makes you feel good instead of one that makes you feel traumatized.
So without knowing it, Nanny gave herself the gift of feeling good instead of putting yourself through the memories of her tragic childhood and marriage! She shared with me that the purpose was so that she wouldn’t have to go through those emotions again. Some may consider that being untruthful, however, I see it as a gift to herself and her wellbeing. Had she told the dramatic stories, she would’ve felt the negative emotion again and likely would have had to share many more details that would enhance the negative emotions. She just did not want to put herself through that again.
Every time we re-tell the story of a traumatic event, we inadvertently live it again. We experience all the emotions as if it just happened (like right now) as opposed to many years ago. That is how your mind sees it and that is how your body reacts. Neurologically speaking, she created a new neurological pathway that, if she re-tells the new empowering story a few times or perhaps many times, has the opportunity to become part of her memories and enhance her well-being by leaving her feeling fulfilled with her life, rather than like a victim of a crazy life.
Such techniques, shared in the book Mana Gardening, Empower Yourself and Live a Better Life, have the power to help you replace memories that are potentially harmful to your wellbeing, with memories that benefit you and keep you happier. These are also excellent topics for the fields of Mana Psychology™ and Mana Sciences™.
And as you know, being happy is paramount to healthy vibrant living!
Get your copy of the book and to learn Mana Gardening happiness techniques.
What does transformation really look like?
How do you know if you are moving in the right direction?
How can you integrate or accelerate your own transformation?
Transformation is what we came here to do. To transform from the flawed human template into a divine template. We came here to be the change we wish to see in the world, to create the golden age for ourselves and indeed all, and live out our dreams, and be fulfilled.
Perhaps you are just getting started, or perhaps you’ve been at this thing called transformation for a long time. Either way, certain things may start to happen that if you notice them, and ground them into your experience, can help you shift even faster.
First, acknowledge your hard work. Transformation is no easy task. It requires daily commitment to living in a way that feels right to you, right to a higher version of you. You know what I mean. It means not reacting to the triggers of life in the same way, maybe taking a breather, and allowing the triggers to be there without responding.
It means dissociating from the urges to react, dissociating from the mind’s tricks and illusions; it means standing day in and day out in solidarity for yourself, for your true self. It is truly a becoming. It takes constant effort and steadfastness.
It takes learning new tools and tricks and putting them into use to see true benefits. I acknowledge this hard work you have been doing. Please take a moment to give yourself this acknowledgement as well. This is very important.
Sometime during this process of transformation you have a realization, a spiritual moment, an awareness or an ah-ha moment. These occur occasionally and spontaneously, perhaps in meditation. You have this amazing moment that you feel very deeply and profoundly. Eventually it turns into a memory. Then of course, the memory fades and you are left wondering when or if another moment like this will ever happen again.
Here is a way to integrate your new awareness. When you have these experiences, take note. Make an effort to re-remember these moments so they can stay with you. Make a list of these moments, these awarenesses, when they happen, and review this list often and re-create the experience in your inner garden.
Neuropathways will be developed and sustained such that these awarenesses become part of who you are, and will provide a strength that you can tap into at any time. These realizations and ah-ha moments will no longer be a fleeting thought of the mind. Exciting Mana Sciences™ research validates the formation of new neuropathways in the mind when we re-remember.
Another thing you may notice about the transformation process is a feeling of neutrality. You begin to notice that triggers that used to affect you do not affect you, that you have a sense of peace amongst absolute craziness. You have no resistance to what is. How beautiful!
There is no reason to fear neutrality. Some believe that in being neutral, one loses the ability to feel. It is much to the contrary. This neutrality, where outside circumstances do not trigger you, conjures up an excitement: 1) because you are NOT triggered by outside circumstances (which feels great!), and 2) because you feel peace and strength from deep within.
You feel solid and strong in neutrality, and also very capable of taking action. There is nothing blocking you from attaining your dreams and standing for what you believe in. When you experience neutrality, talk about it with others, so, like the awarenesses, neutrality can be grounded into your experience. Alternatively, you could write, blog, make yourself a video or voice recording that you may refer to often.
Both awareness and neutrality, if grounded into your experience by remembering them, imagining them, talking about them, writing, etc, will allow them to become part of who you are and will allow forward momentum. This important step re-activates awareness and neutrality and will allow you to maintain higher frequencies which will accelerate transformation.
You are moving in the right direction and transforming every single day. Keep at it! Keep noticing when you have these ah-ha moments, awarenesses, realizations and new states of being. Remember them repeatedly. And give thanks for them. Mana garden them; see and feel them again and again. Allow your imagination to assist you.
You are doing it!
Michelle Shine, PhD